jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

My English Courses

My English class at University begins in first year, I to enter at English level 2. For this reason, I have many think to say about these courses. 

I think it was interesting and useful, especially because in my degree, many books are in English, so, this language is very important for the exercise to the archaeological discipline. In this way, I found it little specific, the vocabulary was not suitable for my degree. The English class was program for a good interaction with other persons, in a colloquial situation, but it was not for a specific vocabulary for Archaeology. Because of this, I think that this aspect is necessary in these courses.

About the use of blog, my opinion about it was positive. It was a tool for the interaction with other classmates, and was useful for making better the redaction and ideas developed in English language, because is very different to the Spanish redaction. 

I need improved the vocabulary and my language. I think that both things are related, for speak well in English, the first I need is a minimum vocabulary management. So, I need increase my knowledge about this English language and this make better my capacity for talk in English. The most important about the interaction with other persons is the vocabulary management. 

In this way, I don`t use my English for speaking, I usually use my English to read. Especially for Archaeological class, where all papers and books are in English, and the better scientist write in English: the universal language of the science.

Because of this, my oral interaction is not very good. But my reading is not good anyway. Usually I need consulting a dictionary all the time, and this is for my limited vocabulary. I need increase my vocabulary, for this I`m starting to memorize more words all days. 

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

My Future Job

If I finish this career, I´m going to do an Archaeologist. So, I`d like to get a job as Archaeologist in research, but this is very difficult, especially for younger professional, that ingress for the first time to the work camp. Usually, this work is for more experienced Archaeologist, with many researches before and a big curriculum. This job is usually get them by state contest, for this reason, is very hard win for a common Archaeologist, and is impossible win for a new Archaeologist. 

The only possibility for a new Archaeologist is work in a research group, when the charge person is been an experienced Archaeologist, winner of many state contest before. 

Because of this, I`m thinking doing a major in Lithic Analysis. Because this is my Archaeology‘s speciality. And then, I have more possibilities for participate and been accepted in this research group. 

In relation to the paid, this is very complicate in research Archaeology, because the money is for paid the research. The salary is not contemplated in this project, but all expensed are paid. 

For this reason, if you want survive, do you have working in Archaeology of Environment Impact. This job is not research about prehistoric life, is only rescue of material culture of life in the past, its destruction for construction of building, mining development, etc. this job is paid for Company, and they usually are hurry for resume the construction work, so this is a very hard work, because you have work without rest. But, in other hand, the paid is very well.

I´m planning to work in both class of Archaeology: Research and Environment Impact. The first is for love for the investigation in past and the second is for live.